Out and About | March 2022

From speaking and sharing experiences at the Cottee Parker International Women's Day Breakfast to the UDIA Development Fundamentals Course, Bluebird have had an exciting month.


UDIA Fundamentals

Our Co-founder Claire O’Rourke was one of fourteen presenters that shared her wealth of knowledge at the UDIA Development Fundamentals Course. Claire discussed the importance of research within the site acquisition process.

This course was designed specifically for property industry newcomers and/or professionals looking to grow their knowledge base, the in-person course covered the foundations of town planning, the development application process, negotiation, contracts, building costs, and construction.

International Women’s Day 2022

Our Co-founder Riye Arai-Coupe was honoured to be a guest speaker alongside Cottee Parker Director Sandra Browne for the Cottee Parker IWD Morning Tea. Together the pair shared insights on how they have smashed stereotypes and are working to pave a way forward for a new generation of empowered and skilled women in the property and construction industry.

Our team were also grateful to attend the annual Women of Wolters International Women’s Day lunch, celebrating the importance of women making a difference in our industry and society. Highly regarded and sought-after Executive Coach and Author Sonia McDonald was invited to speak on the topic of courageous leadership, and being the impact that you want to see.

“You can be a leader without a title…. Leadership is an attitude and a choice.” – Sonia McDonald


The National Women in Construction (NAWIC) ‘From Start-up to Success’ Queensland Business Lunch was held yesterday, with Bluebird Co-Founders, Claire O’Rourke and Riye Arai-Coupe as Guest Speakers.

NAWIC is a true champion for women advocating in change, education, empowerment and connection. Claire, Riye and the whole Bluebird team are passionate in supporting the NAWIC Community.

The event was centered around valuable content, networking and conversations for both NAWIC women and their guests who have started, or are considering starting, their own business.

Business Chicks

Riye had the pleasure of attending Business Chicks this year for International Women’s Day #BreakTheBias Event.

It was an amazing event celebrating International Women’s Day amongst 800 people. The most incredible line up of speakers Madeline Stuart, Kemi Nekvapil, Khadija Gbla, and Songwoman Maroochy Barambah, and Shelly Horton.

Over $15,000 was raised to support the Flood Appeal and UN Refugees helping displaced people in Ukraine.

Property Council of Australia’s Developer Review Seminar

The Property Council of Australia held a Seminar to discuss the Queensland Government's Developer Review Panel.

It was an opportunity to hear from Ainslie Barron and Jim Demack about the purpose of the review, which focusses on the role and impact developers are having on the construction sector. While the outcomes are not pre-determined, the panel will explore if legislative reform is required.

Todd Pepper and our very own Claire O’Rourke joined the panel to give our perspective on the relationship between builders and developers, what's causing the current crisis in the building sector, and what more regulation will mean for the industry.

Thank you to Gail Black for moderating, and to Jen Williams for coordinating the event - it's a tricky topic but we're grateful to be part of the conversation.

Property Industry Foundation Boardroom Lunch

Riye and Kate along with many other members of the Property Industry Foundation (PIF) attended the PIF’s Boardroom Lunch with MP Michael Sukkar MP. The Property Industry Foundation’s mission is to increase the number of transitional homes available to homeless young people. Members listened, reflected and shared their thoughts on how the Property Industry Foundation can deliver more homes for homeless youth.

Upcoming Events

Co-founder Claire O’Rourke presenting at the ULI Construction Pricing and Delivery Risk in 2022, on the 21 April, 2022 (Register here) and presenting at the UDIA REA Market Insights Event on the 11 May, 2022 (Register Here).

Related Tags: Property Development Advisory


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