August Market Update



  • Brisbane recorded a slight decline of 0.1% in the month of August, but values seem to be stabilising.

  • Overall property values are up 3.5% for the year to date.

  • While consumer sentiment rose in May, June and July, it fell slightly through August, which was a result of Victoria’s second wave of corona virus and the reintroduction of restrictions

  • Nevertheless, research from says that Queensland property purchasers were the most confident buyers nationally.

  • Auction clearance rates remain in line with historical monthly average.

  • Comparatively across other capitals, Brisbane’s rental market has remained stable, recording only a -0.7% value decline overall.

  • Brisbane’s overall vacancy rate is sitting at 2.2%.

Source: CoreLogic  - Index results as at 31 August 2020

Source: CoreLogic - Index results as at 31 August 2020


  • Australia is experiencing it’s first recession in nearly three decades

  • Australia’s economy recorded a 7% contraction between April and June, the largest single quarter decline on record.

  • The RBA maintained it’s cash rate at 0.25% and confirmed it will not increase this until progress is being made towards full employment.

  • The Australian Dollar is at its highest in 2 years, largely due to US dollar depreciation and higher commodity prices.

  • National household saving ratio has ballooned to 19.8% comparatively to 2.8% in June 2019

  • Recovery is now underway in most of Australia, and the downturn has not been as severe as once expected.

  • Employment increased in June and July, although unemployment and underemployment remain high. Expected to increase to 10 per cent later in 2020 then retract again to 7 per cent.

  • There has been subdued growth in aggregate demand - and it is likely to be some months before a meaningful recovery in the labour market is underway.

  • Inflation is expected to average between 1 and 1.5% over the next couple of years.

  • The economy is being supported by the substantial, coordinated and unprecedented policy easing over the past six months.

  • Public sector balance sheets in Australia are in good shape.

  • Support for the recovery is also provided by Australia's financial institutions, which also have strong balance sheets and access to high levels of liquidity.

  • RBA has extended the Term Funding Facility, with Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions able to draw on the extra funding up until end of June 2021, providing continued relief to borrowers.


  • An uneven economic recovery is now underway.

  • Future path is highly dependent on the containment of the virus.

  • High or rising infection rates have seen a recent loss of growth momentum in some economies.

  • China's economic growth has been relatively strong.

  • Volatility is low in financial markets; price of many assets have risen substantially despite continued uncertainty.

  • Bond yields remain at historically low levels.

  • US Dollar has depreciated against most currencies over recent months.

To read our full August Wrap Up click here.


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