
At Bluebird, we pride ourselves on staying up to date with news and trends that directly affect the property and development industry.

Take a look at some of our newest posts, or search for your favourite topic.

Brisbane’s Future Blueprint – Adding too much grey to Local Planning Process
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Brisbane’s Future Blueprint – Adding too much grey to Local Planning Process

Here at Bluebird Property Partners we love the colour blue, so in June last year when the Lord Mayor announced Brisbane’s Future Blueprint – we couldn’t wait to see what treasures were in store.

With 8 Principles and 40 Actions to guide our city’s next exciting chapter, we jumped up and down and gave each other some high fives!

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Maximising the return on your rental property
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Maximising the return on your rental property

The rental market in Brisbane is more competitive than ever, and landlords are seeing rents flatline or go backwards due to strong competition. The fact that over 24,000 new apartments have been built locally in the past 5 years hasn’t helped the situation. But it isn’t all bad news.

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What’s in a name?

When trying to decide what to call our business, we wanted to find a name that represented us in some way. Pretty quickly, we decided that Bluebirds needed to be central to that name. Bluebirds always bring good news.

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